Current Events - Kempsey Macleay Valley U3A Inc

Kempsey Macleay Valley U3A Inc
Learning for Life
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Current Events

Classes & Events
Current Events
Below is a list of current KMVU3A events.
To book online (if available) > Click the event name  listed below and follow the prompts.
Scroll down for more detailed instructions if needed - its easy.
NOTE: If the event name is not a link online booking is not available - other ways to book will be shown.

No current events available

To book online:
You can book on this page or on the Current Classes page on this website and from links emailed to you. You can also book in the Member Portal (Classes and Events tab) which is only way to book if you don't have an email or access to your email. If required: Click here for more detailed instructions (with pictures) on how to book

How to book using a link on our website (brief instructions):
Steps vary slightly depending on which method you use to book - so experiment.
  1. Look for and click the name of the required event (a new page / tab in your browser will open)
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page that opens. (Go to Step 5 if booking in the Member Portal)
  3. Indicate if you are a KMVU3A member or not and enter the required details. You will be sent an email
  4. Open the email sent to you; look for and click on - Click here to Register.   A page will open in your browser
  5. Scroll down and enter the required information eg number of tickets, who they are for and any notes for organiser
      1. If you are only booking 1 ticket it will assume it is for you.
      2. If you book 2 or more tickets, a line will appear allowing you to type in the names of WHO each ticket is for
          • Please type the first and surname of each person so we have an accurate record of attendees
  6. Click on Register
  7. Select to pay online or offline and follow the prompts
      1. You will be sent a confirmation email
        1. If you book and pay online you will be emailed a receipt straight away
        2. If you book online but select to pay offline - you will be emailed an invoice with details on how to pay, including the reference to include with a direct deposit so we know who is paying
          1. You will be emailed a receipt when the money is received by the U3A Treasurer. (This will not be straight away if deposit into our account or pay an admin/tutor  - but it will happen!)
  8. All done

To add additional tickets:
If you have already registered but want to book additional tickets or add notes for the organiser you can do this as follows:
  1. Repeat steps 1 - 4 above
  2. On the page that opens you will see the number of tickets you have already booked
  3. To add notes only: Type in the notes. Do not alter the number of tickets booked
  4. To add Tickets: Type in the new TOTAL of tickets you want to book (eg if you have already booked 1 ticket and want 1 more - Type 2.)
    1. Select how you will pay for these additional tickets
        1. NOTE: If you haven't paid for the original tickets - you will need to pay for these as well
  5. Click on Register
  6. You will be emailed confirmation etc as above
  7. NOTE: Simply close the page if you don't want to add or alter anything

Page updated:  18-12-2024

Kempsey Macleay Valley U3A Inc.
PO BOX 3666
West Kempsey NSW 2440

Copyright KMVU3A Inc 2023
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