About KMVU3A
About Us
About KMVU3A Inc
Kempsey Macleay Valley U3A Inc (KMVU3A) is a not-for-profit organisation and an incorporated association, under the NSW Associations Incorporation Act. It is managed by a group of dedicated volunteers for the benefit of its members and the wider community and is funded totally from membership and class fees. All tutors, committee members and helpers are volunteers.
We are a part of the University of the Third Age (U3A) movement and an affiliated member of U3A NSW. U3A is an international organisation that started in 1972. Learn more about U3A here.
KMVU3A Inc started at the beginning of 2003 in Kempsey, NSW. It's aim is to offer a wide range of learning, exercise and social opportunities at an affordable cost to retired or semi-retired people living in the Kempsey shire, on the mid north coast of NSW; approximately 430 kilometres north of Sydney. Australia. It offers classes in Kempsey, Frederickton, Sherwood and South West Rocks and other parts of the Kempsey shire. Some classes, such as Canoeing/Kayaking, Macleay Meanders and Gardening get out and about in the wider region. People must be a member of KMVU3A to attend classes.
The KMVU3A Committee
The 2024 KMVU3A Inc volunteer Committee Members are below:
As elected at the AGM held on 11 March.
President: James Moulton
Vice-President: Fran TarboxSecretary: Kerry Sharp
Treasurer: Chris Pateman
Committee members: Lois Hillard, Joanne Hughes Hallet, Trudy Mainey, Greg Taylor, & Neil Absolon
Committee meetings are usually held at 46a Tozer Street Kempsey on the second Tuesday of the month starting at 9.30am.
Contact the committee using details in the Contact Us page.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does KMVU3A operate?
Like all U3A's KMVU3A is a self help group built on the idea that mature people collectively, have the skill and knowledge to provide learning opportunities for themselves. Class Leaders are mostly drawn from the members, although use is made of community volunteers where they are available. There is no distinction between student and class leader, members often being a class leader in one group and a student in another.
What qualifications do I need?
There are no formal requirements, just the desire to learn something new. Membership is open to all people of mature age.
There are no exams or awards.
How long are terms and courses at KMVUA?
KMVU3A Inc operates classes over 4 terms per year. Each term is from 6 to 8 weeks in length. Most courses are conducted in two hour sessions, held weekly. Terms generally coincide with school terms. Some courses continue over many years, others are only one term or part of one term. Occasionally there are one day or weekend courses.
Range of courses?
The range of courses in U3A has no limits. The KMVU3A Inc course list is developed from the ideas of our members. If you have a particular expertise you would like to share with others, we'd love to hear from you. Volunteer class leaders are always welcome.
Details of KMVU3A Inc courses, venues and times are published in the quarterly newsletter and online at the KMVU3A page on MyU3A (click here to view current classes and locations).
Where are courses held?
The organisation utilises a number of community halls, business locations and private homes in the area. Some classes, eg Canoeing/ Kayaking, the Macleay Meanders and Gardening get out and about in the wider region. Details of KMVU3A Inc courses, venues and times are published in the quarterly newsletter and on this site under the Classes > Current Classes.
How much does it cost?
As all teaching and administration is done voluntarily, so courses at KMVU3A costs very little.
The annual membership fee for members of Kempsey Macleay Valley U3A Inc is $40 per person per year. You must be a member before enrolling in any class. Being a member entitles people to enrol in as many courses per year as they wish.
Most courses have an additional nominal cost of $5 per course per term or a yearly / or pro rate year fee eg $20 for the full year, $15 for 3 terms, $10 for two terms
How do I join KMVU3A Inc?
Read the JOIN page under the Join and Enrol menu for details on the options.
How do I enrol in a class?
Page Updated 29-03-2024